Speaker and Health Club Insurance Expert Ken Reinig Reviews Health Club Trends
Ken Reinig, speaker and health club insurance expert, encourages health and fitness club owners to review their insurance policies in light of new trends taking root in the industry to make sure they are not subject to liability claims.
Speaker and Health Club Insurance Expert Ken Reinig on Having a Claim-free New Year
Ken Reinig, speaker and health club insurance expert offers a list club owners will want to check twice and take seriously to avoid liability claims in the coming New Year.
Speaker and Health Club Insurance Expert Ken Reinig Talks About Cyber Liability
Ken Reinig, speaker and health club insurance expert, urges club owners to get cyber liability insurance protection for their clubs since only one cyber liability claim can destroy a club that’s not protected.
Reinig Insurance Solutions Appoints Social Media and Marketing Director
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Reinig Insurance Solutions, the fitness industry’s leading risk management specialists, have recently announced the appointment of Jaime Gilrein to the team. Lakewood, Co. December 8, 2016 – Reinig Insurance Solutions is pleased to announce the addition of Jaime Gilrein to the staff in a social media and marketing capacity. Jaime most recently served with Thomas Plummer and the National Fitness Business Alliance. The Reinig Insurance management believes that Jaime’s marketing and social media skills will add great
Speaker and Health Club Insurance Expert Ken Reinig Recommends Training Wheels
Ken Reinig, speaker and health club insurance expert, explains what he means by training wheels and suggests they provide security and stability in a gym or club. Lakewood, Co: December 5, 2016– Ken Reinig, well-known risk management specialist, posted a new blog on his website entitled “Employees are Members Too and They Must Sign a Waiver.” Mr. Reinig takes protecting club owners seriously as he encourages a hard line approach in his latest blog. Reinig writes, “One of the perks
Speaker and Health Club Insurance Expert Ken Reinig Talks Treadmill Safety
Ken Reinig, speaker and health club insurance expert turns his attention to treadmills and suggests owners keep their heads out of the clouds and their feet on the ground to make sure they are not liable in treadmill injury claims against them. Lakewood, Co: November 22, 2016– Ken Reinig, well-known risk management specialist, posted a new article on his website entitled “Don’t Be A Space Cadet With Your Club’s Treadmills.” While treadmills, according to Mr. Reinig are, “still one of