24/7 key clubs appeal to a certain type of person. Those whose work does not allow them to workout during normal club business hours as well as those people who prefer to work out on their own are particularly attracted to 24/7 key clubs. These kinds of people are naturally more risk tolerant for starters. As you can probably imagine though, a fitness facility that allows its members to workout anytime they choose poses a unique set of problems during those hours when there is no staff on duty.
The insurance industry has struggled with this perceived increase in liability exposure and most insurance companies today will still not offer protection for these types of clubs. However, the good news is that there are solutions and there are methods that can be implemented to ensure a safe workout environment even when no one is around.
The first step is to inform the potential member that they will be joining a facility that may not have staff on duty during the hours that they choose to work out. By verbally informing the member that they are “on their own” and emphasizing this fact in the waiver and release document, the club has provided the first line of defense. This is known as “Assumption of Risk”. An injured member’s attorney would have a difficult time using the “no-supervision” argument when the member clearly was informed of this potential risk and even signed agreement acknowledging his or her participation in a 24 hour concept environment.
Medical alert necklaces and/or panic hardware are also a must in a key access club. Use of these devices should be available for all members, however they should be mandatory for those members that workout when there is no staff on the premises and for those members that are “at risk” due to age or health related issues.
It’s important to work with an insurance agent that understands these risks. We can help you create the safety systems and insurance coverage necessary to protect you and your members for 24/7 key clubs and traditional health clubs.