Many personal trainers don’t recognize their need for insurance. There are plenty of reasons for this – some see their job as more of a part-time hobby, some aren’t aware of the financial risk involved, and plenty of trainers are simply so busy that they haven’t taken the time to think about it.
The truth is that, as a personal trainer, you are taking a huge risk if you are operating without the proper liability coverage. I could share plenty of horror stories that I’ve heard over the years – including trainers that have lost their business and even been forced to declare personal bankruptcy as well.
Why is this such a big deal? In this blog entry, we’re going to examine three simple reasons why every personal trainer needs liability insurance.
1) Because people fall down. People slip and fall all the time, right? We all know this – but did you know that a multi-billion dollar industry has sprung up as a result? Personal injury lawyers are always on the lookout for these types of accidents and will often talk the victims into leveling a huge lawsuit… and often, they’ll win the suit. The simple act of one of your clients tripping during a session could set this nightmare into motion. Liability insurance protects you from the financial fallout.
2) Because equipment malfunctions. Similarly, as a trainer you are often liable for the performance of the equipment you use. A malfunction that leads to an injured client will often become the grounds for a major lawsuit. Of course, you should always take proper precautions to ensure that your equipment is safe, but even when you’ve done everything right, the risk of malfunction still exists. Liability insurance protects you from this risk.
3) Because you make mistakes. Nobody is perfect. But in the event that you make a mistake during the session, or even while providing diet or nutritional advice, you could be on the hook for a lawsuit. Liability insurance protects you in this event.
If you’d like to learn more, or if you’d like help purchasing liability insurance for your business, we can help. Contact us today to learn more!